The one thing that all people know who have wealth is that at some point in their life (assuming they did not inherit it), something had to go from small to big.
Inherent in this fact is that no-one knows with unerring certainty what will go from small to big. They say that hindsight is a great teacher. The best example I can give of this is Microsoft. Had you been approached by the founding team and asked to invest, would you have said yes? The idea that people looking like a collection of long-haired rockers were going to build a company based on creating an operating system for personal computers (which were virtually nonexistent at the time) might have seemed laughable. There’s the rub. Investment requires VISION. None of us have a crystal ball and so we dismiss good ideas and good investment opportunities based on what we know now, not on what we think will change.
Paul Zane Pilzer wrote a fantastic book – alas now out of print – called Unlimited Wealth. In it he postulated the theory that the only constant in life is CHANGE and by positioning oneself in front of change one can create unlimited wealth. His argument is compelling and perhaps explains the most commonly heard expression from poor people, “That will never work!”
Well guess what. Often they are right. Many new ideas and industries don’t. But some do. A wealthy person knows if an idea fails, just find another idea.
I want to move on to my personal speciality area, Network Marketing. Before you switch off remember what I wrote above. Wealth requires VISION. If you thought just then, I don’t want to read this next bit, you are closed minded. If you continue and read you are sceptical. There are only two choices when a new idea comes your way, closed minded or sceptical. There is no middle ground here. So for those of you reading on let me clear up the industry of Network Marketing (NM)and why it will, and is working. NM is not being created by people. It is being created by economic circumstances. As each year progresses, the human race finds itself in ever increasing troublesome circumstances. We all know that things are not getting better. To be more precise, it is harder to earn money, job security is virtually a thing of the past and worst of all pensions, our retirement lifestyle, are being eroded. It is against this economic reality that NM is growing and why not? People are looking for other ways to supplement their incomes. They are looking for retirement options. They are looking for something which lasts. This is where NM comes into its own. NM is just a way of moving products and services to end consumers using Word of Mouth and being rewarded for it. It is the very last bastion of capitalism. It is an individual’s own business, responds when he or she works and encourages one to hold a strong BELIEF in a product or service which one should be using oneself in order to recommend this to others. It pays the majority of people a small but steady amount each month and it pays a few dedicated, hard working people a lot. Done correctly (and there are millions who do it wrong) it is a wonderful business which allows one to benefit the life of another either with a product or a business opportunity or both.
Against this background can you doubt that in 20-30 years time millions of families will be confronted by an NM opportunity? Many will accept. Many will not. So what? Many accepted Windows. Many accepted Mac and many did not. Today the argument is not why but which one is better, Mac or Windows, with the original investors and stock holders of each laughing while you, the non investor has the discussion.
Now to my personal NM company and why I chose it.
World Ventures (WV) is a few months off its 5th year of trading. In its first 4 years it turned over a cumulative $250 billion. Its product is Dream Trips Membership allowing its members, and only its members, the most incredible “Five Star Holidays at Two Star Prices.” Why is this perfectly timed? Well with your VISION hat on think about the consumer group called the Baby Boomers. This group created between 1946 and 1964 comprises one third of the world’s population and controls two thirds of the money. This group consumed it way through the mid 40’s to the present day leaving a trail of billion dollar companies in its wake.
If you were aged today between 46 and 64 (which they are) what would you be consuming in increasing quantities over the next 20 years? Remember we need to position ourselves “in front” of change, not behind it. Well 65 is the designated retirement age for men here in the UK. So let’s imagine 2 billion people going through retirement over the next 18 years. Sobering thought. There are many things people need in this group. They need nursing homes, special health spas and gyms, products to aid mobility, pension top ups, a business. Above all of these I put TRAVEL. The Baby Boomers have been waiting their whole life to travel and retirement gives them the time to do it. Is it any wonder that cruises on ships has grown 500% in the last 5 years. New boats are being built everywhere. Disney will launch two between now and Christmas. These people understand the coming increase in the market. Do you?
Travel is already an $8 trillion market and estimated to double over the next 18 years as the Baby Boomers consume their way through it (by the way $8 trillion is larger than oil and gas combined). WV has positioned itself in front of this huge growth with a pretty well unique idea in which we can all participate. Give these people what they want, high class holidays at low prices. How can they do this? Well they charge their members a fee and using this huge cash resource they move into major suppliers of dream holidays and locations and buy in bulk, up front, securing impossible to match prices. Don’t take my word for it. Visit an independent source at and read this for yourself. All I am trying to get you to do is to understand what will happen. If we all do not have a certain “WHAT WILL HAPPEN” in our lives we are powerless to become a part of the wealth creation which is coming our way.
Timing really is everything and the fact you may be reading this blog within 20 weeks of WV starting up in the UK and Europe means you have that rare chance to be a part of a monster being created while it is still not much bigger than the egg from which it was hatched.
There is much I can write about NM, the skills you need to acquire, how to build it, how to create income both supplemental and unlimited wealth. These are for a time when you have embraced NM and not fled in the other direction. The other direction holds more of same while the road ahead, although unclear is full of the promise of a better life. I hope you won’t be the one that will say, “That will never work, “and leave me to be the one laughing in 20 years while I hear you discuss with your friend which is the best NM company and regretting that you didn’t have the foresight to join in 2010.
Tony Kaye – World Ventures –
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